聖誕老人來學校了! 歡迎參加學校資訊日

日期: 30/11/2024

今天(11月30日) 上午9:00-12:30 及 下午1:30-3:30,歡迎所有幼稚園小朋友和家長、社區人士、本校學生和舊生,一同來參與精彩的活動,了解本校的最新發展。
Santa Claus is coming to school! Welcome to the School Information Day
Santa Claus is coming to school? It turns out he's here to join the School Information Day! Today (November 30) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, all kindergarten children and parents, community members, current students, and alumni are welcome to participate in the exciting activities, learn about the latest developments at our school.
Game tickets can be collected at the reception desk at the entrance. We look forward to seeing you!